Friday, August 21, 2020
Analysis the Crime Pattern of Coastal and Hill Area in Bangladesh
Presentation: Bangladesh lies on the Bay of Bengal. She is additionally enhanced with enchanting uneven regions. with the headways of time, wrongdoing grows wherever with its particular ecological, geological and socio-demographical highlights. The fieldtrip we took part and visited Coast Guard, Chittagong; Cox’s Bazaar and Bandorban region opens us the imperative chance to recognizes various examples of wrongdoing in the seaside and bumpy areas of Bangladesh. Proclamation Of The Study:In Bangladesh, the Coast Guard is exceptional group of power that manages the wrongdoing on the shore of Bay of Bengal and guarantee secure ocean zone for working and voyaging; and furthermore serves to economy on running with smooth speed through forestalling illicit intruding and active the financial martial’s including labor. The Cox’s Bazar additionally a significant monetary zone with its adaptability highlight of criminal points of view. The Bandorban is unmistakable uneven l ocale holds the specific phenomenon’s of crime.As an understudy of Criminology and Police Science we have considered the courses of various parts of wrongdoing disseminated in various land areas yet the functional information was obscure to us which are extremely basic for us. The visit of Coast Guard at Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar and Bandorban helped us significantly in such manner. Foundation of The Study: Crime is the situational and useful marvel that changes here and there on premise of condition, proficiency of lawfulness organizations and the socio segment qualities of local people.Due to the urbanization and globalization impacted by the distinctive financial components the modulus of operandi and degree of wrongdoing become adaptable. The Coast Guard office at Chittagong locale most effetely manages the costal wrongdoing on keeping up peace in beach front ocean region goes up to 1 km. from the coast. They face the parts of wrongdoing that direction is entirely un expected on the nature and highlight from the violations wrongdoing in land. The Cox’s Bazar is most well known vacationer zone with its biggest special ocean sea shore. So it is an important open monetary zone on street of development.Due to snappy urbanization and communicational the socio segment qualities of individuals become pattern to be unsteady. The Cox’s Bazar is otherwise called a significant passageway of intruding of crooks and carrying products on the place that is known for Bangladesh. The Bandorban is outstanding amongst other enchanting bumpy areas in our nation. In any case, a few geological qualities make it particular from typical individuals of Bangladesh. At here, keep with the coordinating with socio segment highlight of individuals the nature and point of view of wrongdoing is entirely unexpected from the plane land.On partaking as a part in the examination visit I’ve recognized various examples of wrongdoing with its social and financial result in that district. We likewise educated about the circumstance and planning of lawfulness looking after offices, uncommonly the Coast Guard and Police; to address up these difficulties and contributing a job to improve Bangladesh and more secure spot for working and living. Points and Objectives: We select a few expects to discover through the examination To acquainted with the association of Coast Guard. To recognize their job on ensuring open and economy, working difficulties on ocean related wrongdoing, wonder of accomplishment etc.To be educated about criminal track and wrongdoing examples of Cox’s bazaar area. To think about the arrangement of Cox’s bazaar police in forestalling wrongdoing and guaranteeing wellbeing to the individuals, particularly to the visitor. To acquainted with the wrongdoing designs in bumpy regions essentially at Bandorban locale. To discover entomological reasons of wrongdoing in sloping regions. To recognize the planning of police on taking the difficulties in regards to get together these wrongdoing. To create reasonable evaluation by dissecting the wrongdoing designs on costal and bumpy locale. Methodology:It is vital for the one to know the strategies as well as the strategy. Strategy is an approach to deliberately take care of any issue. Here we as a whole gather information on subjective procedure, it is worried about subjective marvel. Study Area: We visit a few placeless on leading the investigation visit. We first visit Chittagong coast watch base, at that point we continue to Cox’s bazaar and additionally went to a class and a dinar party masterminded by region police of Cox’s bazaar. At conclusive stage we visit Bandorban area, there we likewise partook a conversation with the police authority of region police.Data Collection Method: As it is a subjective research we utilized two techniques for information assortment ? Center gathering conversation ?KII and ?Observational strategy. Dis coveries of the investigation: The Bangladesh Coast Guard, is novel foundation (barring Armed Forces) battle on the ocean for saving open right and riches however they have different essential hardship in both individual and managerial setting. On Cox’s bazaar point of view, the local individuals are delicate and scarcely any individuals perpetrate wrongdoing to fulfill up the needs of urbanization in various way.The wrongdoing examples of costal territory stepped to dark business related including sneaking, selling drugs. Now and again we notice some vicious examples of wrongdoing including burglary, murder. In Bandorban region, the local sloping individuals are truly harmony full. Among them fierce wrongdoing is uncommon rather they included scarcely any aberrance sort of wrongdoing. Be that as it may, in Bengali-bumpy individuals common point of view there some fierce examples of criminal episodes including theft, murder, kidnappings and so on. Development Of Bangladesh Co ast Guard: Prior to the arrangement of Coast Guard it is Bangladesh Navy who has been depended with this holy policing task at sea.But naval force has lawful confinement in upholding customs, monetary, migration and different laws adrift. To conquer every one of these troubles Coast Guard Act 1994 was passed by parliament in September 1994 and officially the Coast Guard appeared on 22 February 1995. Hierarchical Organogram of Bangladesh Coast Guard (CG): Organogram of Bangladesh Coast Guard (CG): (Rank) Jurisdiction and Empowerment: Bangladesh Coast Guard has the locale over the whole ocean regions of Bangladesh as announced under the Territorial waters and Maritime Zone Act 1974 and nearby land regions along the waterfront belt up to 1 km.Apart from the ocean region, the legislature has put all the conduits of Bangladesh including 1-km land territories from the coasts including the conduits of world’s biggest mangrove woods Sundarban. To guarantee the undertaking of Banglade sh Coast Guard is engaged to actualize rules and guidelines under Acts and Ordinances. It have two viewpoints National: †¢Bangladesh Coast Guard Act 1994. †¢Immigration Ordinance 1982. †¢Environment Conservation Act 1995. †¢Territorial Waters and Maritime Zones Act 1974. †¢The Marine Fisheries Ordinance 1983. †¢Merchant Shipping Ordinance 1983. †¢The Customs Act 1969. †¢Narcotics Control Law 1969. Assurance and Conservation of Fish Act 1950. †¢The Forest Act 1927. †¢The Port Act 1908 International: †¢United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea III of 1982. †¢Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973. †¢Convention on Biological Diversity 1992. †¢Convention of Protection of World Culture and Natural Heritage 1972. Under the referenced Acts and Ordinances the Coast Guard is engaged inside the terms of references to capture any individual, hold onto any property and carryout search having motivations to accept that an offense has been submitted disregarding those Acts and Ordinances.Role and capacity of the Coast Guard: The basic job of Coast Guard is to ensure the general population, nature, and the national financial and security interests through law implementation adrift. Job has been unmistakably characterized in the Coast Guard Act 1994 as you can recognize: ?Preserve national interests adrift zones of Bangladesh. ?Forestall unlawful angling in ocean regions of Bangladesh. ?Forestall unapproved passage into and unlawful exit from Bangladeshi waters. ?Uphold warrant of any court or some other authority against any approaching marine vehicle or any individual installed that inside the regional waters of Bangladesh. Look and forestall any demonstration of condition contamination in the ocean regions of Bangladesh. ?Guarantee wellbeing of individuals working in ocean territories of Bangladesh. ?Forestall carrying and intruding or opiates, drugs and so forth. ?Take an interest in help and salvage tasks during normal catastrophes and rescue heartbreaking water transport, men and materials. ?Organize transmission of important data including cautioning signals through radio or some other media during regular cataclysms. ?Help Bangladesh Navy during war. ?Complete watch in Bangladeshi waters. Help concerned specialists to guarantee security of seaports. ?Forestall psychological militant and harm exercises in Bangladeshi waters and help different organizations in such manner. ?Complete some other obligations doled out by the legislature. Exercises of Coast Guard: Coast Guard is engaged with numerous exercises. Their support is in a constrained scale however the achievement rate is acclaim commendable. At first the activity was restricted to hostile to pirating and against theft tasks inside port constraints of Chittagong and Mongla. In any case, by and by they are to work in the whole seaside belt of the country.They are directing enemy of carrying tasks, hos tile to theft activities, fishery assurance activities, getting of unlawful arms, backwoods protection exercises remembering political decision obligation for the waterfront and inland regions. More it effectively direct some extraordinary work on the wonder of poise: Fishery insurance tasks †¢ Participated in ‘Jatka Nidhon Protirodh Operation’ in the waterfront region consistently. †¢ Coast Guard got ‘Gold Medal’ in 2005 for extraordinary achievement in Jatka Protirodh activity. Avoidance of compost carrying :To check fert
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